1. In the begainning, we'll pick up one among all the registered players as the Power Guardian. The Power Guardian has 10 Power Points. 2. The other players can challenge the Power Guardian within the given time. The rewards are available when you defeat the Power Guardian. 3. The Power Guardian wins when he have at least one Power Point till last moment of given time. 4. If the Power Guardian win, we'll choose the next Guardian among all the registered players. If the Power Guardian fails, the next Guardian will be picked up among the Nominees. REWARDS POWER GUARDIAN TIP: As the Power Guardian, you'll get the rewards of Guardians when you have at least one Power Point till last moment. REWARDS NOMINEES TIP: As the Challenger, as long as you defeat the Power Guardian at least once before the countdown becomes 00:00, you'll get the rewards of Nominees. The Guardian of next round will be selected from all registered players