Players about Liberators game


Hello all Liberators gamers I wish to start an online potiction to ask the server to replace the things they have taken from us and fix the exsisting servers instead of adding new ones all the time. I am looking to get this signed by as many players as possible to let them know we will not be forced to except the changes the have made recently. Specifically the limit on going battles,the removal of War Bonds from first Head Hunters in daily task, the removal of war bonds from ranking up in Armies of Might. They keep adding more to the game to force the sale of war Bonds and took the little bit away we were getting as it was. I dont know about anyone else,but when i was getting bonds from task it would intice me more to buy Bonds to go with the ones I had and helped to buy things or to do my trphy room when i needed gold or supplies.On Going Battles was always a great way to get resourses through out the day to help with things as well.I need all of you to make replyies and tell your feelings on these matters.Let's force them to listen to the players and not take the changes being shoved down our throats> I thank all in advance for your replies and attention to theses important matters > Lets make them replace what they have stolen from us


When I started playing this game, it seemed good to me. I also bought war bonds.
But this game became a big ERROR once and I didn't think I would make money!
Constant mistakes and a lack of interest in solving them discouraged me from playing.
Developers make fun of people
