Forum Rules!
Welcome to the Liberators forum! The forum is a place where people can interact and have discussions about different topics. We ask that you follow these guidelines to ensure that the forum has some productive conversation. These rules and guidelines are enforced by moderators, and at their discretion they may delete posts without warning that do not comply. Be Nice and Polite Every member deserves to be treated with respect. Positive and polite posts create a friendly and welcoming environment that all members will feel comfortable in. Think Before Posting Sensible, well thought-out and legible posts help other members understand what is being explained. If you need to post in any language besides English (Universal language use by all Air Traffic Control Centers world wide) then use Goggle translate to post in English as well. Post in Relevant Section(s) Only Posting in the most relevant section will ensure threads are seen by members most interested in the subject. Threads posted in...