Flash Replacement
Dear players,
Since most browsers stop supporting Flash after; Dec.31,
we will release Micro-client soon. All the data get reserved.
Thanks for your support.
Best regards,
Liberators Team
They'll create a client to access the game servers which will STILL BE RUNNING ON FLASH because browsers will kick it out soon(message wording suggests all is done to go around browsers banning Flash so it's logical to assume they'll keep running on it). It's the cheapest and laziest solution and is exactly what I'd expect from them(aka - worst case scenario). Although when Ricardo Britan explained it 2 days ago I thought they'd at least try doing something about the situation and learning they're "working hard" left me with the impression changes will be big. Guess not.
What does that mean and what should we expect?
-No changes will be made to the game - we get the same BS buggy system with same BS broken ingame economy with the same BS unreliable battle formulas. Not thrilled.
-I like how they say "all the data gets reserved". Well of course it is. The game servers are the same. People will only get to use a third party software backdoor to access them in the form of a client. But here is where the problems begin.
-Modern browsers use the so called sandbox mode to protect applications from injection of malicious code into them. Basically restricting tampering to only the elitest levels of hackers who are hard to find. Some random rushed "made in China" (lol) client doesn't give me that level of confidence or sense of security. We see they can't even get a game to work right. So now even basic school kids can use basic tools to tamper with that client and do God knows what kind of things. From cheating their way to victory to fishing out users' private info and banking data. This goes double even triple for platforms on expired Flash which is full of holes to exploit and without browser protection we're pretty much naked. That was explained to me by a bud working in cybersecurity I'm just relaying what he told me I hope I don't mistake the explanation somewhere. Knowing how much boorgerbox cares about what is right and capturing multiaccounters I can safely say bad people will roam free and undisturbed in there.
-We can also expect other issues and maybe new ones. You know how boorgers tends to overstack memory so after a while it gets slower and laggier and we all need to restart A LOT. Well with a client this may not be so quick. Depends on how it's done but still will have to turn it off and start it again every few minutes to avoid all the lovely bugs we all know exist right now.
-The client itself can be packed with malicious code. Maybe not from boorgerbox themselves but from bad people who can get their client modify it and publish it somewhere posing as boorgerbox. Again knowing how security-conscious boorgerbox are I expect such things to go unnoticed and such modified clients can also damage anyone using them badly.
There could be more but that's what I got so far. Overall far from a pretty sight. But I like how they posted on the forum via Britan that: "a solution is being developed so that everyone can continue to enjoy the game.". I'm not sure they are even aware of 99.9% of their players' true disposition and ingame experience.
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